National Energy Inner Mongolia mine CST specialized services

#Case ·2022-09-03

National Energy provides specialized services for the controllable transmission devices of the Xijiao and main shafts of a mine in Inner Mongolia, including four 750KS CST controllable transmission devices for Xijiao belt conveyors, four 1120KS CST controllable transmission devices for main shaft belt conveyors, three 420KS CST controllable transmission devices for upper shaft belt conveyors, and two 420KS CST controllable transmission devices for coal washing plants.

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  • 152-0349-1210

  • Yangfangkou Town, Ningwu County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, China


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Shanxi Ningdong Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd ICP:晋ICP备2024047485号-1